A Different Kind of COVID Letter

Greetings to all the caring members of the Open Hands Overflowing Hearts (OHOH) community. 

This is Sydney, the Executive Director of OHOH, and on behalf of our entire executive team, I’d like to wish you a safe and healthy springtime, whatever life looks like for you these days.


You may recall that the OHOH community planned to gather today at Helena High School for the sixth year in a row to celebrate survivors, remember fighters, and Run For Their Lives... But obviously that’s not happening.

Instead, our country is getting a tiny glimpse into the daily life of the immunocompromised… the loneliness, the fear, the financial turmoil, and the sadness that comes from missing out on the life that goes on around you, and without you.

As we navigate this “new normal,” we can’t help but be reminded that this is actually an old reality for families affected by childhood cancer, and we recognize the importance of our continued focus on the vulnerable children we serve. 

OHOH was founded with one simple mission: to fund as much pediatric cancer research as we can until a cure is found. And while this devastating pandemic rages across our country, 15,780 children will still be diagnosed with cancer in the United States this year. And next year. And the year after that.

A cure for pediatric cancer has absolutely not been found, so our mission continues on, possibly more urgent now than ever before.

How is it that technology is advancing expeditiously in some areas, yet we are embarrassingly behind in others? How is it possible to simultaneously have driverless cars and a virus which we cannot treat or cure? How on earth do we all have computers in our pockets, yet children are still dying from cancer every single day?

This question continues to burn in our hearts.

So while we wish we could be together today, we have asked our supporters to rally together, while physically apart, to honor these children.

We have pledged as an organization to run, walk, and ride 15,780 miles in the month of April, to honor the 15,780 children that will be starting the ride of their lives this year. And at eleven days in, we are well on our way to hit that goal. Will you join us? 


We trust that during this time you will continue serving our most vulnerable populations: the elderly, those who are currently sick or are recovering from COVID-19, and yes, our sweet families affected by childhood cancer.

By all means, please support your local non-profits and relief organizations that are on the frontlines of the fight against this deadly virus! But as you do, please keep in mind that organizations like OHOH don’t, won’t, and can’t stop, even if the world around us seems like it has.

This month, we are running for their lives, and we will continue this race for years to come. 

Thank you for the love, compassion, and generosity you have continually shown to OHOH since day one. I have come to love and appreciate this community in the last nine months of serving on staff more than I ever thought possible.

We are praying for your family’s good health and safety throughout this stressful time, and we are thankful for your continued partnership in the fight against childhood cancer.

Until there’s a cure,

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Sydney Hurley, Executive Director